Strange Nature Phenomenon: Fish Die-off In Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie: Millions of Fish Found Dead On Shorelines – March 1 2013


fish die-off on lake erie, pennsylvania

Erie, Pennsylvania, March 1 2013 – Officials say that the fish die-off (over a million fish have died or are dying) in Presque (presk) Isle Bay near Erie is a natural occurrence and not linked to pollution. I would say, it is pretty hard to believe. This die-off seems to have started already a couple weeks ago but now it is getting so big, that people have to speak about it. The dead fish are gizzard chad. If we believe what scientists say, this fish species is susceptible to cold temperatures. Warmer than normal temperatures have melted the ice on the bay – where the fish often congregate to get away from the colder air and waters in deeper sections of Lake Erie. But the air is still cold enough to kill the fish once they’re not sheltered by the ice. – WHTM

In my opinion, this die-off is a clearly a consequense of global warming and global warming is again linked to anthropogenic pollution. So what are they telling us here?

As for the fish die-off in an icelandic fjörd, fish bodies will be left to rot and recycle into the environment.


  1. Global warming? Oh please. This is from government induced experiments underground, oil spills, cruise lines throwing garbage into the seas, fracking disasters, methane gas, chemicals intentionally dispersed, etc. Force the earthquakes, sink holes, etc and the result? Martial law!

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