Strange Earth Phenomenon: This Odd Underwater Waterfall in Mauritius is an Optical Illusion


Our planet is full of amazing treasures!

The latest surprise is this incredible optical illusion of an underwater waterfall diving towards the Indian Ocean floor, south-west of Mauritius.

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In addition to being one of the most beautiful places on Earth, the Mauritius, located in the southwest Indian Ocean, also harbors an incredible natural illusion.

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Satellite Image of the underwater waterfall in Mauritius

On the coast of Morne Brabant, a mountain World Heritage of UNESCO, a diving waterfall can be observed from above. This strange optical phenomenon is due to the sand and silt runoff deposit at the bottom of the ocean.

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This illusion is simply awesome! It can only be seen from a plane, a helicopter or from a satellite.

And here a real underwater waterfall in the Red Sea:

Do you think that a rough sea would reinforce the illusion?

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