Smog in Paris, France: Before After Photo of the Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower) – March 2014


Wow, before seing this photo, I had no idea of real gravity of the situation in Paris, France. It even reminds me of the Chinese smog.

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Before and after photo of the Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower) with and without smog. Photos: AFP / BERTRAND GUAY / KENZO TRIBOUILLARD

This combination of photos shows the Eiffel tower (R) in central Paris through a haze of pollution taken on March 14, 2014 and during clear weather (L) on August 17, 2012. More than 30 departments in France are hit by maximum level pollution alerts since the day before, prompting Ecology Minister to say air quality was “an emergency and a priority for the government.”

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