Extreme Weather: Rare Tornado Sweeps North Of Boston

A rare tornado sweeps north of Boston! It is actually the first recorded tornado in Suffolk county and Revere near Boston in over 64 years!


A rare tornado sweeps north of Boston! It is actually the first recorded tornado in Suffolk county near Boston in over 64 years!

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Rare tornado sweeps across boston county. The first in decades!. Photo: David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe

This happened on monday morning, July 28, 2014… The tornado touched down at 9:32AM. This was the first tornado on record not only in Suffolk County but in Revere.

The tornado uprooted trees, ripped off roofs and shattered windows in the North of Boston region. 13 buildings are now uninhabitable. There are no reports of serious injuries. Maximum wind gusts were estimated between 100 and 120mph

According to the Weather Channel, the rare and unexpected twister had a path length of two mile and width of 3/8. It was scaled as a EF-1 tornado.

Rare tornado sweeps north of Boston? Yes, this is definitely not the type of weather event you expect to happen in Revere!

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