Kung Fu Master Exhales Smoke And Fire – Dragon Man?

I think we have found the first specimen of DRAGON MAN living on earth! Look at this amazing stunt in this video!


Kung fu master exhales SMOKE AND FIRE! WTF!

With a mouthful of sawdust and no open flame this man, Mianyang kung fu master Liu Fei, constantly exhales smoke for 3 minutes, and fire as well. And it is pretty amazing! Look at the video below!

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Is this DRAGON MAN? Chines kung fu master exhales smoke and fire in this amazing video. So what’s the trick behind this stunt?

So what’s the stunt that is causing all kinds of speculation online?

Up to now this is the best explanation I have found on the web:

There’s probably a hot ember in the sawdust he packed in his mouth. The sawdust contains both the smoke and the heat. When he exhales, the ember starts to consume the surrounding sawdust with the oxygen provided. He maintains the fire controlling the oxygen supply. If it’s out of control, he smothers it with compressed sawdust.

So how do you think this kung fu master exhales SMOKE AND FIRE out of the sawdust?

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