Apocalyptic Fish Mass Die-Off: Fifty Tons of Dead Fish Wash Up Mysteriously in Mexican Lake Cajititlan


Mexican authorities are investigating an unknown fish mass die-off in Lake Cajititlan, Mexico.

Although believed to be natural, effluent from local wastewater treatment plants may have caused the fish to die.

fish mass die-off, fish kill, mysterious fish kill jalisco mexico, fish mass die-off mexico, fish mass die-off mexico jalisco, fish mass die-off mexico lake cajititlan, Fifty tons of fish have washed up dead on the shores of Jalisco's Lake Cajititlan in Mexico. Photo: EPA, mass die-off, fish kill, fish mass die-off, mexico, jalisco, lake cajititlan, september 2014, photo
Fifty tons of fish have washed up dead on the shores of Jalisco’s Lake Cajititlan in Mexico. Photo: EPA

Hundreds of thousands of fish are dying in Lake Cajititlan, Jalisco, Mexico and this mass die-off is expected to last a few more days. In total almost 50 tonnes of dead popoche have washed up on the shore of the lake. This is amazing, no?

fish mass die-off, fish kill, mysterious fish kill jalisco mexico, fish mass die-off mexico, fish mass die-off mexico jalisco, fish mass die-off mexico lake cajititlan, Fifty tons of fish have washed up dead on the shores of Jalisco's Lake Cajititlan in Mexico. Photo: EPA, Imagine the health disaster and smell if all these fish would start to decay on the shore of Jalisco's Lake Cajititlan!, mass die-off, fish kill, fish mass die-off, mexico, jalisco, lake cajititlan, september 2014, photo
Imagine the health disaster and smell if all these fish would start to decay on the shore of Jalisco’s Lake Cajititlan!

Although authorities speak from a natureal cycle, others like Jalisco’s secretary for the environment, Maria Magdalena Ruiz Mejia say: “We have no evidence to support that it is natural and cyclical. To the contrary, we have a series of variables which lead us to believe this fish kill is not only recurrent and becoming more frequent and severe, but also that it is caused by the poor management of the body of water.” Mud from local wastewater treatment plants could be to blame for the apocalyptic sight.

What do you think has triggered this apocalytic fish mass die-off?

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