Apocalyptic Fish Mass Die-Off Along Hokkaido Coast – Fukushima Radiation or Storm?


An apocalyptic fish mass die-off has started beginning o f this month along the Pacific coastal zone of Mukawa – Cho Hokkaido, Japan.

According to officials, this fish kill is related to a strong storm. However, inhabitants thinks Fukushima radiation is responsible as the storm wasn’t too intense.

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The dead sardines are 15 to 20 inches long and found over a perimeter of 4 kilometres along the coast. Local fishermen have never seen this before.

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Experts from Fisheries Hokkaido argue that this strange mass die-off is most probably due to a storm that hit the coast, the night before this terrible discovery. However, the accurate origin of this killing is still unknown.

fish mass die-off Hokkaido, fish mass die-off Hokkaido japan, fish mass die-off Hokkaido japan fukushima, fukushima radiation responsible for mass die-off in fish mass die-off Hokkaido, fish mass die-off Hokkaido video, fish mass die-off Hokkaido photo, fish mass die-off Hokkaido november 2014, fish mass die-off Hokkaido november 3 2014,fish mass die-off Hokkaido. Fukushima radiation responsible?

Locals, however, give the responsability to radiactivity released during the Fukushima disaster and going on since March 2011.

Who’s responsible for this massive sardines mass die-off, I dont know. One thing is sure: Fukushima radioactive pollution is increasing everyday. What do you think?

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  1. Could you please provide links to your sources so they we can verify the facts for ourselves. The only links you often give are to your other stories.

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