The Curious Case of Maria Audete do Nasciemento – The 32 Year-Old Toddler


This is Maria Audete do Nascimento, a Brazilian woman, born in 1981, who looks like a toddler!

Yes, this 32 year-old woman has the body of an INFANT!

Maria Audete do Nascimento, Maria Audete do Nascimento disease, woman that looks like toddler, 32 year-old woman that looks like a child, adult that look like toddler, brazilian woman that looks like child, Maria Audete do Nascimento brazilian woman that looks like child, Maria Audete do Nascimento is 32 and looks like a toddler

Maria Audete do Nascimento, a Brazilian woman, was born on May 7th 1981. BUT SHE LOOKS LIKE A BABY!

In other words, she has stopped growing as an infant.

University of Ceara Faculty of Medicine personnel thinkS Maria suffered from a severe deficiency of the thyroid hormone. This RARE DISEASE, hypothyroidism, stopped her physical and mental development.

I doubt she beats that little Indian doll woman.

This rare disease could have apparently been cured, if she had been given the correct medication at birth.

I am wondering if she will get white hairs when getting old!

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