Mystery Giant Underwater Waves Higher Than Skycrapers Baffle Scientists Worldwide


Massive underwater waves have been detected south of New Zealand and baffle scientists.

They are reportedly the size of skyscrapers and can travel for days in the ocean. Creepy!

mystery underwater waves, giant internal waves, mystery giant underwater waves, internal waves can sometimes be seen clearly in satellite imagery (like in the above image of the Luzon Strait). This is because the internal waves create alternating rough and smooth regions of the ocean that align with the crest of the internal wave. Sunlight reflects the smooth sections, appearing as white arcs, while the rough sections stay dark. Credits: NASA/Image processed at Global Ocean Associates
internal waves can sometimes be seen clearly in satellite imagery (like in the above image of the Luzon Strait). This is because the internal waves create alternating rough and smooth regions of the ocean that align with the crest of the internal wave. Sunlight reflects the smooth sections, appearing as white arcs, while the rough sections stay dark. Credits: NASA/Image processed at Global Ocean Associates

Hidden entirely within the ocean and hard to detect, these waves can tower hundreds of feet, travel fast and propagat a series of disturbances under the water. Their existence in oceans has been known for more than a century.

They have profound effects on the Earth’s climate and on ocean ecosystems by affecting plankton, influencing large-scale ocean circulation, and perhaps even shaping the continental slopes.

The internal tides normally move in several horizontal directions:

The KIWI mysterious giant waves however is the only one that moves in one direction toward Tasmania. AND This baffles scientists!

But research is underway!

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  1. Haha, so the one time I decide to give this website some of my time and it exposes itself as a liar.
    This location is as close to New Zealand as Mexico is to Canada. This is near Thailand, and or China.
    You should learn to speak only truth, it will save you the shame of being exposed.

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