Rebirth of the Copiapó river after five years of drought in the Atacama Region, Chile


Hundreds of people gathered along the Copiapó river to witness its rebirth after five years of continuous drought.

The water came from heavy rains in the region of Antofagasta to Maule.

Copiapó River rebirth, Copiapó River rebirth march 2015, Copiapó River rebirth video, Copiapó River rebirth photo, Copiapó River rebirth video photo, Copiapó River rebirth atacama drought

Copiapó River rebirth, Copiapó River rebirth march 2015, Copiapó River rebirth video, Copiapó River rebirth photo, Copiapó River rebirth video photo, Copiapó River rebirth atacama drought

Copiapó River rebirth, Copiapó River rebirth march 2015, Copiapó River rebirth video, Copiapó River rebirth photo, Copiapó River rebirth video photo, Copiapó River rebirth atacama drought

Copiapó River rebirth, Copiapó River rebirth march 2015, Copiapó River rebirth video, Copiapó River rebirth photo, Copiapó River rebirth video photo, Copiapó River rebirth atacama drought

Copiapó River rebirth, Copiapó River rebirth march 2015, Copiapó River rebirth video, Copiapó River rebirth photo, Copiapó River rebirth video photo, Copiapó River rebirth atacama drought


You remember, this phenomenon has also occurred in Israel!

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