Mysterious steam smelling like gas comes out of the ground near Lake Toba a supervolcano that erupted 70,000 years ago!


A mysterious steam, smelling like gas, is coming out of the ground around houses in Sitoluama, Indonesia.

The unexplained vapor – hazardous? – baffles scientists and residents.

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Researchers looking for the source of the mysterious plume in Indonesia. Image ©2015 buhori

The strange phenomenon first occurred on May 27, 2015 and has not stopped yet!

After feeling his house becoming very hot both nights and days, Purasa, a villager of Sitoluama, District Laguboti, Toba Samosir, North Sumatra, decided to dig into his garden. At a depth of around 50 cm, vapor started arising from the hole, without explanations and smelling like gas. Baffled, he immediately covered the hole back.

Scientists, officials and residents are baffled. They don’t know where the steam comes from and if it is hazardous or not. But one thing is clear: Hot steam that smell like gas is kind of weird in this region of north Sumatra!

According to 20-year-old investigations, this area should be free of oil and/or gas. Further investigations are needed to find the source of this mysterious vapor coming from the ground.

All of this is in Toba Samosir Regency, near Lake Toba. Toba is a supervolcano that erupted about 70,000 years ago at the site of present-day Lake Toba. The ground heating from below and gases rising from the ground near Toba is scary

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