Animals are officially earthquake predictors in China


Seven farms full of different animals have been established as seismic stations in China.

It is indeed believed animals exhibit unusual behavior before an earthquake.

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[quote_box_center]The seismological bureau in Nanjing, Jiangsu province has officially established seven farms full of animals as seismic stations.

One of the seismic stations is an ecological garden in Yuhuatai district, containing 200 black boars, 2,000 chickens, and a 2 square kilometers of fish pond. Cameras are installed around the animals’ living environment to observe their behavior.

Their feeders report to the seismological bureau twice a day on any abnormal behavior that professionals will analyze for whether a possible earthquake is imminent.[/quote_box_center]

Using natural earththquake signs is probably a good solution. Hopefully this will work!

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