Haunting Moon and Venus conjunction pictures – And occultation on December 7 2015 in North America


Venus is the brightest object in the east before sunrise. And beginning of this month the Planet is conjuncting with the Moon.

If you’re in North America on December 7, 2015, you can witness an awesome planetary phenomenon as the moon covers, or occults, Venus.

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The moon conjuncts Venus… And Comet Catalina flies by. Photo by Alan Dyer
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But now Comet Catalina has disappeared. Photo: Alan Dyer
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The clouds added some nice corona diffraction colors around the waning Moon and Venus at dawn. Picture by Alan Dyer
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This really looks like out-of-this-world. Image by Alan Dyer

So tonight watch the occultation, when the Moon will cover Venus in another awesome space phenomenon.

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