5 unexpected noises of animals: lynx, cheetah, possum, piranha, koala, mockingbird


What on earth was going on, evolutionarily speaking, when the lynx developed its strange distinctive vocalization?

But lynxes aren’t alone as plenty of other animals also produce strange sounds that throw the brain for a loop upon hearing them. Here five of them.

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Cheetahs literally chirp when communicating with other cheetahs, to avoid attracting predators like the lion:


Brushtail possums sound like cars that refuse to start or noises made by broken machinery:


You will not believe it, but pirhanas bark. That’s right: they bark like dogs when prompted for “combat” or ready to fight:


The pitch of Koalas’ vocalizations is so low that it might be more fitting of an animal as large as a dinosaur:


Northern mockingbirds are known for being exceptional imitators. Sometimes, they will mimic frogs or even car alarms:

Do you know other weird animal sounds?

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