Face of Satan appears in massive anvil cloud over Greece


And suddenly a satanic anvil cloud formed in the skies over Thessaloniki, Greece on September 14, 2016.

Yes! Do you see the evil spirit living inside the cloud?

satan cloud, demon cloud, face of demon in cloud, cloud demon face, demonic face in cloud, cloud demon picture, demon cloud greece september 2016
This cloud is haunted by a scary demon face. by Thalia Traianou

This picture of an envil cloud over Thessaloniki, Greece was taken by Thalia Traianou on September 14, 2016.

The formation looks massive but pretty normal at first sight. Now look closer… Do you see the demonic face in the mammatus clouds forming the crown of the anvil?

satan cloud, demon cloud, face of demon in cloud, cloud demon face, demonic face in cloud, cloud demon picture, demon cloud greece september 2016
This scary face appeared in the mammatus clouds. by Thalia Traianou

Maybe I am suffering from Facial pareidolia, as I see faces in inanimate objects, but I think many of us are when they will be watching at this picture.

satan cloud, demon cloud, face of demon in cloud, cloud demon face, demonic face in cloud, cloud demon picture, demon cloud greece september 2016
Am I the only one suffering from facial pareidolia? by Thalia Traianou

And to place it again in the real context:

satan cloud, demon cloud, face of demon in cloud, cloud demon face, demonic face in cloud, cloud demon picture, demon cloud greece september 2016
No trace of photoshop in there… Just the signs of time coming! by Thalia Traianou

Thalia Traianou is studying Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is fascinated with photographs especially those which tell stories about other worlds and show unrepeatable moments of crazy photons! No trace of photoshop in there… Just the signs of times coming!

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  1. that is not the face of satan. satan does not exist. lucifer is the name and every picture of him will have his signature. the signature is missing from this picture. stupid people who believe obvious disinformation to make a certain type of groups identifiable. and also the face is a triangle if this was the devil. lol how funny when people with weak minds see everything they don’t know about it must be evil. it must be the devil lol..

    • I always find it humorous when people speak in absolutes about spiritual and otherworldly dimensional phenomena when they themselves are merely speaking on some other human derived knowledge that has been taught to them through someone else.

      The truth is, that you do not know for certain about the subject anymore than anyone else until you die and see what’s beyond that and therefore, come off just as ignorant and uninformed as the ones you persecute.

      The truth is that most of what we have been taught about our history is a lie. That much I know is true and that’s all I can speak on with certainty.

      Your arrogance plainly reveals your ignorance.

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