2016 ends up with THREE supermoons: October 16, November 14 and December 14


2016 will end on a lunar highlight as the spectacular ‘supermoon’ phenomenon will occur an incredible three times.

Yes, 2016 ends up with 3 supermoons. The first one occurred on October 16, 2016. The next ones are on November 14 and December 14.

October 16 is the first night of the year when there will not only be a full moon in the night sky, but it will also be at its closest point to Earth, making it a ‘supermoon’.

2016 Ends with Three Supermoons, 3 supermoons 2016, end 2016 three supermoons, 2016 will end up with 3 supermoons, supermoon november 2016, extre supermoon november 2016, december 2016 supermoon
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This term was originally given to a new or full moon that occurs when the moon is “within 90 percent of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit”.

2016 Ends with Three Supermoons, 3 supermoons 2016, end 2016 three supermoons, 2016 will end up with 3 supermoons, supermoon november 2016, extre supermoon november 2016, december 2016 supermoon
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Now the term supermoon is used to cover any full moon that is closer to Earth than normal.

2016 Ends with Three Supermoons, 3 supermoons 2016, end 2016 three supermoons, 2016 will end up with 3 supermoons, supermoon november 2016, extre supermoon november 2016, december 2016 supermoon
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The moon’s distance from Earth varies due to its elliptical orbit. ‘Perigee’ is about 30,000 miles closer to Earth than the opposite side ‘Apogee’.

When the Earth, sun and moon line up during the ‘perigee’ side of the lunar orbit, we get a ‘perigee moon’ or ‘supermoon’.

2016 Ends with Three Supermoons, 3 supermoons 2016, end 2016 three supermoons, 2016 will end up with 3 supermoons, supermoon november 2016, extre supermoon november 2016, december 2016 supermoon
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Perigee full moons can appear up to 14 percent bigger and 30 brighter than apogee full moons, and often create the optical illusion of a ‘low-hanging’ moon.

2016 Ends with Three Supermoons, 3 supermoons 2016, end 2016 three supermoons, 2016 will end up with 3 supermoons, supermoon november 2016, extre supermoon november 2016, december 2016 supermoon
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After October 16, the next supermoons to round off the lunar hat-trick will appear on November 14 and December 14.

2016 Ends with Three Supermoons, 3 supermoons 2016, end 2016 three supermoons, 2016 will end up with 3 supermoons, supermoon november 2016, extre supermoon november 2016, december 2016 supermoon
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November’s moon is qualified as an “extra-supermoon” as it becomes the closest full moon of the 21st century.

2016 Ends with Three Supermoons, 3 supermoons 2016, end 2016 three supermoons, 2016 will end up with 3 supermoons, supermoon november 2016, extre supermoon november 2016, december 2016 supermoon
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This “extra-supermoon” phenomenon won’t be witnessed again until November 25, 2034.

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