Thousands of dead snow geese found near Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, and nobody knows why


Thousands of carcasses of dead snow geese dotted the shoreline for at least 20 kilometres near the Nunavut community of Cambridge Bay, Canada.

And nobody knows why!

dead snow geese nunavut canada, dead snow geese nunavut canada mystery, Mysterious die-off kills thousands of snow geese in Nunavut Canada.
Mysterious die-off kills thousands of snow geese in Nunavut Canada. via

A massive geese die-off is currently taking place near Long Point in Nunavut, leaving officials baffled.

A resident explained seeing over thousand dead geese for about 20 kilometres of shoreline… too many to even count.

Most of the carcasses were washed up right on the shore, while a couple were located further away from the coast.

dead snow geese nunavut canada, dead snow geese nunavut canada mystery, Mysterious die-off kills thousands of snow geese in Nunavut Canada.
Oficials are baffled by the massive snow geese die-off in Nunavut. via

Officials are aware of the situation and are following up on the incident and will consider next steps, without mentioning these next steps.

An emeritus professor of wildlife biology and ornithologist at McGill University said it’s likely that the birds died of disease, some kind of avian disease…

dead snow geese nunavut canada, dead snow geese nunavut canada mystery, Mysterious die-off kills thousands of snow geese in Nunavut Canada.
Location map of the massive geese mass die-off in Nunavut. via

Avian cholera? The latest can wipe out hundreds of thousands to a million ducks and geese all in one fell swoop since it is pretty contagious.

And what about these snow geese ingesting a toxic substance?

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  1. Zephaniah 1:3

    I will consume man and beast. I will consume the fowls of the air and the fishes of the sea and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: I will cut off man from the land saith the Lord.

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