Incredible lightning storm in Arkansas: Several bolts touchdown digging holes in the ground


Last night into early this morning was a pretty incredible lightning storm in Arkansas.

Some of these anvil crawler bolts made it to the ground several miles well behind the main line of storms, digging holes in the ground.

lightning storm, lightning storm arkansas pictures, lightning storm arkansas videos
Powerful lightning storm in Arkansas on October 23 2017. Pictures by Douglas Keck from Bella Vista via Facebook

When they come to the ground, these positive charged bolts have a tremendous amount of power. Check out what one bolt did to the 13th hole at Paradise Valley Golf & Athletic Club:

lightning storm, lightning storm arkansas pictures, lightning storm arkansas videos, Lightning strike hits the ground and digs hole in Golf club in Paradise Valley Arkansas
Lightning strike hits the ground and digs hole in Golf club in Paradise Valley Arkansas. via Facebook
lightning storm, lightning storm arkansas pictures, lightning storm arkansas videos, Lightning strike hits the ground and digs hole in Golf club in Paradise Valley Arkansas
huge lightning hole is Valley Paradise. via Facebook

Did you hear the thunder or sleep right through it?!?

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