Missile fumes over Southern California, Arizona and Nevada leaving swirls of colorful gas looping through the sunset sky


Yesterday evening, March 26th, sky watchers in southern California, Arizona and Nevada were surprised when they saw swirls of colorful gas looping through the sunset sky. This wasn’t a rocket launch at Vandenberg AFB. Nope, this very colorful and iridescent cloud was produced by the test launch of a Trident II (D5) missile from a submarine off the coast of San Diego, which was scheduled for March 26-27.

missile test california iridescent cloud, missile test california iridescent cloud march 26 2018, MISSILE FUMES OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and arizona march 26 2018, iridescent cloud nevada california march 26 2018 photo video
The sky colorful and became iridescent over Southern California and Nevada on March 26, 2018. Why? Photo by Matt Bologna via Twitter
strange sky california nevada arizona march 26 2018, strange sky southern california, missile creates strange light sky california, missile test california iridescent cloud, missile test california iridescent cloud march 26 2018, MISSILE FUMES OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and arizona march 26 2018, iridescent cloud nevada california march 26 2018 photo video
Daniel Wood saw the same strange display in the sky over California from 38,000 feet in an airplane. via Space Weather
strange sky california nevada arizona march 26 2018, strange sky southern california, missile creates strange light sky california, missile test california iridescent cloud, missile test california iridescent cloud march 26 2018, MISSILE FUMES OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and arizona march 26 2018, iridescent cloud nevada california march 26 2018 photo video
This colorful cloud, the kind we usually see after a rocket launch, was visible near Joshua Tree National Park over Pioneertown CA. Photo by Cathleen Armstrong.
strange sky california nevada arizona march 26 2018, strange sky southern california, missile creates strange light sky california, missile test california iridescent cloud, missile test california iridescent cloud march 26 2018, MISSILE FUMES OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and arizona march 26 2018, iridescent cloud nevada california march 26 2018 photo video
No, these glowing clouds over Nevada and Southern California weren’t the result from a rocket launch at Vandenberg AFB. via Twitter
strange sky california nevada arizona march 26 2018, strange sky southern california, missile creates strange light sky california, missile test california iridescent cloud, missile test california iridescent cloud march 26 2018, MISSILE FUMES OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and arizona march 26 2018, iridescent cloud nevada california march 26 2018 photo video
The strange colorful lights were created by a military exercise on March 26, 2018. via Twitter
strange sky california nevada arizona march 26 2018, strange sky southern california, missile creates strange light sky california, missile test california iridescent cloud, missile test california iridescent cloud march 26 2018, MISSILE FUMES OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and arizona march 26 2018, iridescent cloud nevada california march 26 2018 photo video
The strange sky phenomenon resulted after the test launch of a Trident II (D5) missile from a submarine off the coast of San Diego, which was scheduled for March 26-27. via Twitter
strange sky california nevada arizona march 26 2018, strange sky southern california, missile creates strange light sky california, missile test california iridescent cloud, missile test california iridescent cloud march 26 2018, MISSILE FUMES OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and arizona march 26 2018, iridescent cloud nevada california march 26 2018 photo video
Water droplets and bits of unburnt fuel from the missile’s exhaust froze in the cold upper atmosphere and with the sunlight hitting the cristals, iridescence occurs. By Doug Backlung

What caused the pearly colors? Water droplets and bits of unburnt fuel from the missile’s exhaust froze in the cold upper atmosphere. When high-altitude sunlight hit the icy crystals, they glowed pastel yellow, red and blue – a phenomenon known as iridescence.

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