M7.0 earthquake strikes Peru – Tremors felt in Bolivia – tsunami alarm in Chile


A 7.0 MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKE has struck just north of Juliaca, Peru, about 100 miles NW of Arequipa on March 1, 2019. As of now there are no reports of injuries or damage.

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A strong M7.0 earthquake strikes Peru on March 1, 2019. Map via USGS

The deep powerful earthquake hit at a depth of 260 kilometers and was felt in the regions of Cusco, Apurímac, Tacna, Arequipa and Moquegua in Peru, Bolivia and the northern part of Chile – Tarapaca, Antofagasta, Arica and Parinacota. The epicenter was situated about 8 kilometers from the Peruvian city of Azángaro.

Some lamps started moving, following the beat of the quake wave:

The National Emergency Office of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (ONEMI) prompted a “preventive evacuation” due to the threat of a tsunami in the Arica and Parinacota region in Chile. It was canceled shortly after as the earthquake was too deep to generate a tsunami on the coasts of Chile.

But still the tsunami alarm rang during a few minutes:

There is no information about possible victims or material damages.

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