Unexplained light flashes and sonic booms baffle residents of Slavic Village, Cleveland – No comments from officials


People living in the Slavic Village Community can’t seem to figure out what caused the bursts of light and loud booms that have been seen and heard over the last month. Police too. City officials and not commenting at this time regarding this matter. Weird, no?

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Cleveland’s Slavic Village residents bewildered over mysterious, loud booms; city has no comment

I hear bang noises like boom, boom. Some parts of the sky will be lit up like florescent. Chemicals in the air maybe? Are they hiding something?” asked Victor Diaz, who lives in the area.

Initially neighbors thought the explosive sounds may have been coming from the Harvard Bridge construction right around the corner.

I thought it was that, but there’s nobody working around here and on the highway. I keep hearing these explosions. They’ll wake you up,” recalled Diaz.

Either way the speculation is building by the day.

19 News looked into the unexplained explosion and found out that several states all over the country have appeared to experience the same exact events.

You start to imagine what it is and people start speculating. We never know,” said Melba Cullen who also lives in the Slavic Village Community.

We know that city officials are aware of the complaints made by many of the people who have heard those noises, however the city is not commenting at this time regarding this matter. But why? What are they hiding?

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[Cleveland 19, News 5 Cleveland]


  1. Probably, Galactic Federation of Light is cleaning up the area of Devil’s Tower, Wyoming where Reptilian Secret Underground Bases are. When the cleaning up operation is going on, the darkside military (US military with Reptilian command) jets and helicopters might fly around the area. If you take some pictures or videos, you might able to catch some UFOs over the sky.

  2. 10 Miles East of Devil’s Tower, Wyoming…Black Hills of Wyoming at 6500 feet elevation…The ENORMOUS BOOMS coming from the ground have started again…It has been quiet here for quite a while…Was starting to think maybe I would not be hearing them ever again…WRONG….In the last 24 hours, at least 2 or 3 times every hour, LARGE ENORMOUS BOOMS coming from the ground…Not any mining…No Jets overhead breaking the sound barrier…No explanation whatsoever at all….
    Two others just made their way over my house in the past week and are now in South Dakota….
    Booms are alarming though….Very Deep Sounding….
    I want to add here something else I had not put together…..
    RIGHT NOW ~ As the BOOMS are happening, we are being BOMBARDED with a CME…..
    I think not………………

  3. Les Présidents préfèrent de rien dire, ils restent sourds, pour se couvrire de ce qui arrive.
    Ce sont des CLONES dirigent les pays et la fin de ce cycle EST.
    C’est comme ici quoi!

  4. Les étés préfèrent de rien dire, ils restent muets, ainsi sans se prononcer ils sont couverts de ce qui arrive.
    Des CLONES dirigent les pays et la fin de ce cycle EST.
    C’est comme ici quoi!

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