Aliens may actually be occupying Mars


The NASA Curiosity rover made a remarkable discovery this week that may hint at signs of life on Mars.

The surprising development brings legitimacy to the long-held notion that aliens may actually be occupying the red planet.

nasa discovers methane on Mars, mars methane life, life on Mars, life on mars exists, NASA's Curiosity rover discovered high amounts of methane in the air on Mars, indicating signs of life on the planet
NASA’s Curiosity rover discovered high amounts of methane in the air on Mars, indicating signs of life on the planet. Picture by NASA

According to a measurement taken on Wednesday by NASA’s Curiosity rover, scientists unearthed high amounts of methane in the air on Mars — indicating microbes could survive on the planet.

As The Times noted, methane is typically just produced by living things.

Not first time

This isn’t the first time that scientists have found methane on Mars: In 2004, scientists reported the discovery of methane in the air, following three year’s of observations.

We are 99 percent confident,” Dr. Michael Mumma, a senior scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “It surprised all of us, actually. We really are still scrambling to understand what it means.

Some disappointing results

However, in 2013, new measurements from the Curiosity rover found that the atmosphere contained very little or no methane, reducing the prospect of life on the planet.

Study author Christopher Webster, director of the microdevices lab at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, described those results as “disappointing for many.

Let’s hope

According to an email obtained by the Times, Ashwin R. Vasavada, the project scientist for the mission, wrote to his team that “given this surprising result, we’ve reorganized the weekend to run a follow-up experiment,” with the results of those observations expected on Monday.

If the results are positive… We can look for green aliens on Mars… And that would be so scary and cool!

[BI, NY Times]

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1 Comment

  1. Mars in the desert of your mind. It’s not an object, just a light, made of vibrations. You can’t go there, only observe it. The pictures are taken on earth, by NeverAStraightAnswer.

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