New law will mandate remote ‘kill switches’ in all new cars in the US!

New law will install kill switches in all new cars
New law will install kill switches in all new cars

Buried deep within the massive infrastructure legislation recently signed by President Joe Biden is a little-noticed “safety” measure that will take effect in five years.

Marketed to Congress as a benign tool to help prevent drunk driving, the measure will mandate that automobile manufacturers build into every car what amounts to a “vehicle kill switch.”

A kill switch is a mechanism for switching off a machine abruptly, especially in an emergency. Since all cars are now controlled through a board computer, a new function will be installed for disabling your vehicle remotely.

As has become standard for legislative mandates passed by Congress, this measure is disturbingly short on details. What we do know is that the “safety” device must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.

Everything about this mandatory measure should set off red flares.

  • First, use of the word “passively” suggests the system will always be on and constantly monitoring the vehicle.
  • Secondly, the system must connect to the vehicle’s operational controls, so as to disable the vehicle either before driving or during, when impairment is detected.
  • Thirdly, it will be an “open” system, or at least one with a backdoor, meaning authorized (or unauthorized) third-parties can remotely access the system’s data at any time.

Violation of our constitutional rights

This is a privacy disaster in the making, and the fact that the provision made it through the Congress reveals — yet again — how little its members care about the privacy of their constituents.

The lack of ultimate control over one’s vehicle presents numerous and extremely serious safety issues; issues that should have been obvious to Members of Congress before they voted on the measure.

For example, what if a driver is not drunk, but sleepy, and the car forces itself to the side of the road before the driver can find a safe place to pull over and rest? Considering that there are no realistic mechanisms to immediately challenge or stop the car from being disabled, drivers will be forced into dangerous situations without their consent or control.

The choice as to whether a vehicle can or cannot be driven — for vehicles built after 2026 — will rest in the hands of an algorithm over which the car’s owner or driver have neither knowledge nor control.

If that is not reason enough for concern, there are serious legal issues with this mandate. Other vehicle-related enforcement methods used by the Nanny State, such as traffic cameras and license plate readers, have long presented constitutional problems; notably with the 5th Amendment’s right to not self-incriminate, and the 6th Amendment’s right to face one’s accuser.

What does impaired driving mean?

The same constitutional issues abound with this new technology, but with the added confusion surrounding what Congress even means by “impaired driving.”

Does it mean legally drunk, or perhaps under the limit but still “impaired” to a degree? Would police be summoned automatically by the system in order to make that determination?

These are questions that should have been addressed openly and thoroughly during the legislative process, not left to later, back-room negotiations between interested parties other than individual car buyers – manufacturers, regulators, insurance companies and law enforcement.

Who will have access to the data?

Ironically, or perhaps intentionally, there also is no detail in the legislation about who would have access to the data collected and stored by the system.

Could it be used by police, and could they access this information without a warrant? What about insurance companies, eager to know with what frequency their customers drove after drinking alcohol, even if it was below the legal limit?

Such a trove of data presents a lucrative prize to all manner of public and private entities (including hackers), none of which have our best interests at heart.

An affront to the American Dream

Adding what amounts to a mandatory, backdoor government “kill switch” to cars is not only a violation of our constitutional rights, but an affront to what is — or used to be — an essential element of our national character.

Unless this regulatory mandate is not quickly removed or defanged by way of an appropriations rider preventing its implementation, the freedom of the open road that individual car ownership brought to the American Dream, will be but another vague memory of an era no longer to be enjoyed by future generations. [Daily Caller]

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  1. “Stick with Christ to the bitter end.” How will that help? It has never worked!!!
    If it has, prove me wrong!

    • Obviously you have never seen miracles. You need eyes to see, and ears to hear. Why bother arguing with you. There is no benefit to me or anyone else here. Adios.

  2. .50 cal & Shannon…good start but God says ‘I( help those who help themselves’.
    Think and you will understand…and…good luck!

  3. Hmmm, this is a bad idea. So are kung-flu concentration camps. There’s plenty of bad ideas coming from the demonseed these days. The anti-Christ and anti-Humanity movement is in full bloom. Seems like we are facing a time of sorrows.

    Looks like Shannon below on this thread has the right idea. So does Alex Jones and the Health Ranger.

    Stick with Christ to the bitter end.

  4. Now, we are come to the point of the time to make a choice. If there are any here reading who know the Lord Jesus Christ- please go unto the people to proclaim His Gospel unto salvation…
    From the book of Romans: 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10:10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 10:11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

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