Motherly Love: This is the Amazing Moment a Lioness Saves her Cub Trapped on a Cliff


This is what I call unconditional love!

A French photographer captured this dramatic scene as a lion cub cried out for help on the side of a cliff. The pride quickly came to his rescue, with mom putting her own life on the line to grab the little guy before he fell even further. Motherly love is a beautiful thing.

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This is the Amazing Moment a Lioness Saves her Cub Trapped on a Cliff. Photo: J.-F. Largot

Clinging on for dear life to the side of a vertical cliff, the tiny lion cub cries out pitifully for help.

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lioness saves cub. Photo J.-F. Largot

His mother arrives at the edge of the precipice with three other lionesses and a male. The females start to clamber down together but turn back daunted by the sheer drop.

lioness saves cub trapped on a cliff... Amazing, lioness saves cub cliff amazing, motherly love by animals, lion save cubs, amazing moment , amating things, lioness saves cub. Photo J.-F. Largot
My baby is almost safe thinks the lioness

Eventually one single factor determines which of them will risk her life to save the youngster – motherly love.

Lioness Saves her Cub Trapped on a Cliff, after lion cub rescue, After lion cub rescue. All are happy and safe!
After lion cub rescue. All are happy and safe!

No punishment, just some love to make sure the little guy is okay. :)

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