A 5 Mag. quake has been detected by the USGS at 03:48 local time, on April 1, 2014, just 80 miles from the Korean peninsula. The epicenter was situated at a depth of 16km (10 miles).

This is weird, no? It has just occurred after North and South Korea traded fire into waters along the disputed Northern Limit Line on March 31, 2014 and after North Korea claimed it would carry out a “new form” of nuclear test.
Well, I would believe that the epicenter of such a nuclear test would be somewhat closer to the surface! The North Korea nuclear test recorded (December 2012) by the USGS (a 5.1 Mag earthquake) was situated at a depth of only 1km.
So the present location and depth of the earthquake does not immediately suggest North Korean nuclear testing was the cause. What do you think?
I thought it might be from a sub weapon from the US … but who knows?