Mysterious Living Oarfish Caught on Video Swimming in Mexico’s Sea of Cortés


Is the next massive earthquake ahead? This living oarfish was caught on camera swimming in the paradisiac waters of Mexico’s Sea of Cortés.

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living oarfish was caught on camera swimming in the paradisiac waters of Mexico’s Sea of Cortés. Photo from video

A mysterious and legendary oarfish was caught on camera in the shallow, crystal clear waters of Mexico’s Sea of Cortés. This is pretty unusual since they normally live in deep waters.

According to eyewitnesses, it was 15ft long (4.5metres). It can be clearly identified through its dorsal fin and its kind of feather on its head. As reported in a previous post, this giant sea monster is source of legends.

This next video was shot in Mexico in 2011. Amazing too!

But what was he doing so close to the beach? Is it warning us from an imminent earthquake? Is it dying? Time will tell!

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