Haunting scary “Help Me” screams heard on CR 6101 in Nacogdoches, Texas

Is it a ghost? Or simply a high-pitched animal scream? People in Nacogdoches are baffled by this terrifying Help me scream at night.

strange scream, strange scream help me, strange woman help me scream in Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches strange help me woman screams, help me woman screams in Nacogdoches, help me screams in Nacogdoches texas, strange scream in Nacogdoches Texas, Strange "Help me" screams are heard in Nacogdoches Texas at night since two weeks. Photo: www.pictures-of-historic-nacogdoches.com
Strange “Help me” screams are heard in Nacogdoches Texas at night since two weeks. Photo: www.pictures-of-historic-nacogdoches.com

Who is the woman screaming “Help me” at night on CR 6101 in Nacogdoches, Texas? It is a deep mystery baffling residents and officials of this small town for the past two weeks.

The source of the loud noise is unexplained but some residents have reported seeing a woman shadow at night. Is this a ghost?

Neither injured nor people in danger have been reported around. Did it sound something like this?

Is this a bad joke? Or maybe an animal making a high-pitched noise sounding like a human voice from a distance.Read more here.

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