Unbelievable! This Crazy Chinese Beekeeper Sets New World Record After Being Covered In 326,000 Bees

This must be one of the craziest beekeeper around the world!


A beekeeper has set a new world record for having the most bees on his body in Tan’an, northern China’s Shandong Province. 

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Chinese beekeeper sets new world record after being covered in 326,000 bees. Photo: Video

Gao Bingguo, from Tan’an, in Northern China’s Shandong Province, received about 2000 stings as he set the new world record.In order to set the record Gao Bingguo covered himself in 326,000 bees weighing around 32.6kg. Here a first short video (Scroll down for the longer video!):

It required extensive bathing before applying queen bees to attract the worker bees, then sitting frozen still while assistants spent more than two hours applying them to his body. Here a longer video of the scene:

Find more pictures an another video here.

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