Meditation Mandala Made From Flowers And Plants By Kathy Klein


Look at these mandalas made from flowers and plants. They are beautiful!

I love them! What about you? It’s time to meditate!

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

Kathy Klein loves plants, animals, people and the divine presence within all.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

She creates beautiful flower mandalas out of intricate arrangements of natural plant parts.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

She calls them “danmalas.”

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

Klein lives in Arizona in the U.S.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

To creates her these amazing forms Klein has a deeply spiritual process.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

She centers herself in a meditative devotional space as part of the creative process and draws her inspiration from the golden sound residing within perfect silence.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

She often leaves the works where she made them, to be found by lucky passers-by.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein
Her work is based on the traditional Buddhist mandala.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

It is a deeply spiritual and also an impermanent art form with its roots in Buddhist beliefs.

Mandala, danmala, Mandala danmala, madala flowers and fruits, Mandala danmala by Kathy Klein

If you like these danmalas made from flowers and plants, you can get prints of her work here.

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