Optical Illusion? Just Some Road Lines Peeling Off A Virginia Highway


This is neither an optical illusion nor a new wizard trick.

No! It’s just some road lines peeling off from I-66 in Fairfax County, Virginia!

Imagine driving to work on a highway when suddenly you have to drive along wiggly road lines. I would kind of feel dizzy and pretty much confused!

wiggly road lines, bad lane striping causing confusion on I-66, road line peel off, road lines dizzy, strange road phenomenon, weird things on road, Wiggly road lines on I-66 confused many motorists during morning rush hour in Virginia, optical illusion, wizard, road, strange sights, weird news, strange things
Wiggly road lines on I-66 confused many motorists during morning rush hour in Virginia.

This is actually what happened last Monday morning on a highway from Centreville to Gainesville in Virginia.  Motorists driving on Interstate 66 in Fairfax County, Virginia were forced to navigate their way through crooked lane lines during their rush hour commute. The lane striping that crews put down over the weekend peeled up and moved. Thankfully, there were no road accidents or major delays due to the crooked lines. The department would now conduct a thorough investigation to find out what happened.

I would have loved to test this optical illusion live!

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