Millions of prawns beach on the shores of Playa Brava in Iquique – Sign of an uncoming earthquake?


Playa Brava in Iquique has now turned red… Prawn red! A sign of the next big one?

Scientists are baffled by this apocalyptic mass die-off and will conduct various tests – water and shellfish – to determine the cause of this kill!

Millions of prawns beach on the shores of Playa Brava in Iquique, prawn mass die-off iquique, prawn mass die-off iquique chile, prawn mass die-off iquique april 2015, prawn mass die-off iquique chile april 2015

Yesterday morning the entire coast of Playa Brava in Iquique was blanketed by millions of dead or dying prawns. The reason for this mass die-off is still unknown.

Millions of prawns beach on the shores of Playa Brava in Iquique, prawn mass die-off iquique, prawn mass die-off iquique chile, prawn mass die-off iquique april 2015, prawn mass die-off iquique chile april 2015

The apocalyptic event started at around 07:00. Rescue was launched directly after. But rough sea hampered the work of the rescuers, whose efforts were unsuccessful.

If you are living in the region and wanna have a schrimp barbecue, I would not recommand eating those! Don’t even touch them… These prawns could be contaminated!

Could it be a sign of an uncoming powerful earthquake. May I remind you that about exactly 1 year ago, a 7.8 earthquake destroyed parts of this area in Chile?

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