Apocalyptic storm engulfs Wisconsin (photos and videos)


This apocalypticstorm engulfed different parts of Wisconsin on July 18, 2015!

Watch these amazing pictures and videos gathered from social medias. Awesome!


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storm, best storm pictures, best storm video,storm 2015, storm july 2015, storm wisconsin july 2015 photo and videos

storm,best storm pictures, best storm video, storm 2015, storm july 2015, storm wisconsin july 2015 photo and videos

storm, best storm pictures, best storm video,storm 2015, storm july 2015, storm wisconsin july 2015 photo and videos

storm, best storm pictures, best storm video,storm 2015, storm july 2015, storm wisconsin july 2015 photo and videos

storm,best storm pictures, best storm video, storm 2015, storm july 2015, storm wisconsin july 2015 photo and videos

And after the storm! Awesome!

storm, best storm pictures, best storm video, storm 2015, storm july 2015, storm wisconsin july 2015 photo and videos

Did you also manage to get some pictures of this apocalyptic storm in Wisconsin? Thanks for sharing!

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