The Q-tip lunar eclipse: A 3hr 45min exposure photograph of the Supermoon eclipse looks weird


This is a single 3hr 45min exposure showing the whole progress of the eclipse trailing across the sky Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA.

A real giant Q-tip… lol

lunar eclipse long exposure photo, total lunar eclipse long exposure photo, long exposure picture lunar eclipse september 2015, q-tip lunar eclipse, long exposure lunar eclipse, lunar eclipse picture, long-exposure lunar eclipse photo, funny picture lunar eclipse, The Q-tip lunar eclipse: Long exposure pictures of the Supermoon eclipse. The lunar eclipse on September 27, 2015 actually looks like a giant Q-tip in the sky! Look at these amazing long exposure pictures of the total supermoon eclipse.
This extremely long exposure picture of the total lunar eclipse on September 27, 2015, looks like a giant Q-tip in the sky of Cape Cod. Photo taken by Chris Cook

However, in the sky of Povazska Bystrica, Slovakia, it the Blood Moon eclipse looked like an exploding fireball:

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Is this a giant meteor exploding in the sky of Slovakia? No just another long-exposure photograph of the total eclipse of the supermoon. Photo taken by Ondrej Kralik

And here another Q-tip long-exposure image from Banska Bystrica Astronomical Observatory, Slovakia:

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A side of the Q-tip is hidden by a telescope… But I see it! Picture by Stan Kaniansky

Open your mind and keep your ears wide open 🙂

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