Agate designs and landscapes are truely amazing


Agate is a popular gemstone.

This finely-grained quartz is known for its vibrant colors and patterns like mountains, rivers, and skies… Watch some amazing pictures of so-called landscape agates.

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A nice cave on a beach. By Easy DoorAlain R. Truong

There’s an incredible variety of landscape agates, appearing in different hues, shapes, and patterns.

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A beautiful montainous area. By Captain Tenneal

These characteristics create distinct places that depict sandy deserts, calm oceanscapes, and the sun setting behind a forest where dark, feathered marks mimic silhouetted trees.

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The great wall of China? By Scott Schreiber
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
Sunny landscapes by Sam Silverhauwk
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
Stones in motion
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
Sunrise behind a forest by Kevin McGee
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
A small tree in front of a desert by Adore Pics
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Trees reflecting in a lake by God’s Painting in Stone
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
Almost a painting. By KatPix
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
Just some other flowers by Gray Raven Designs
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
A Chinese zen landscape by Belle nature photos
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
Reflection on Pinterest
agate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agateagate, agate picture, landscape agate, agate landscape, agate sliced, sliced agate photo, photo polished agate
A fossil? By Carment Trueheart

It’s no wonder that the agate gemstone is popular for collectors and perfect for accessories. Look at these specimens of opals. They are also mind-blowing.

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