That is worst than in a disaster movie!
Apocalyptical full-scale landslide in Ulyanovsk as several hundred square meters and, obviously, a few thousand cubic meters of soil literally collapsed in one day.
This is the first full-scale landslide in this area of the Volga in the last 57 years.
The collapse of the soil started on April 5, 2016 at about 8:00am. And it is still ongoing.
The landslide is most probably due to an oversaturated soil after the heavy rain that fell on the area during last days.
However, many residents blame road workers and the government, who have never controlled the landslide section of the road.
The area is now under close control and autorities try to calm down all frightened residents.
The landslide swallowed everything on its path: The roadway, power poles, utility buildings, trees.
Luckily the ground collapse didn’t engulf any cars or people.
According to environmentalists the land slides 20 cm every single hour.
That is insane!
Here a video. Scroll through for some more images (except if you understand Russian) 😉
Ульяновский оползень. День второй – репортаж с места события