Mysterious hail streaks in Colorado sky baffle storm watchers


What are these mysterious white streaks in the dark gray sky of Colorado on May 10, 2016?

Those are incredible hail streaks created by hailstones falling to the ground in Colorado Springs.

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Stephen Pete Peterson / Facebook via The Weather Channel

But why does it look this way actually?

A hail storm near Colorado Springs, Colorado, on May 10, 2016, produced strange white streaks in the sky.

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Cindy Quinlivan Kober / Facebook

The white streaks are caused by hail falling out of a strong thunderstorm as the storm moves.

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Joel Bagley / Facebook

The movement of the storm, combined with the sun breaking through the clouds and reflecting off the falling rain and hail create the awesome contrast.

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Joel Bagley / Facebook

Hail streaks typically produce a long but thin line of damage on the ground. In this case, hail as large as 1.25 inches in diamater, equivalent to a half dollar, fell near Colorado Springs.

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Joel Bagley / Facebook

The hail streaks in this photo are seen from a distance and are quite stunning.

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Ricardo Guerrero / Facebook in Utah

He’s coming!

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And here of this incredible weather phenomenon:

But imagine giant hail like in Nebraska fell on the ground! Never film or shoot pictures underneath a thunderstorm producing the hail!

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