The Sinabung volcano in Indonesia erupted and its dome collapsed on September 2, 2016.
The volcano threw a column of ash and gas to a height of 2000 meters above the crater.
As shown in the next picture, parts of the dome of the volcano collapsed during the eruption on Sept. 2nd.
Debris and ash covered the side of the volcano.
Like an avalanche of hot ash and rocks.
The dome is since then very instabil and other parts could break at any time.
This explosion was surely a powerful one, that completely tear down a side of the volcanic peak.
Here some videos of the eruption and dome collapse at Sinabung (in Indonesian, sorry!):
[…] The Sinabung volcano in Indonesia erupted and its dome collapsed on September 2, 2016. sending a column of ash and gas at 2000 meters above the crater. Source: […]