The smell of death is everywhere: 350 seals, 2500 birds and thousands of fish die around the world and nobody knows why


Within the last 2 days, 350 seals, 2500 birds and thousands of fish died around the world.

And the worst is that nobody knows why! Well this is what they say!

More than 300 dead seals discovered dead along the Caspian Sea in Dagestan. Cause unknown.

dead seal, seal mass die-off, seal die-off dagestan, seal die-off russia

More than 300 dead seals have been found dead along the coast of the Caspian Sea in Dagestan, but the cause of their death remains a mystery. The dead seals were found over a 27 km long stretch on the coast. Officials believe that poaching isn’t the cause. A disease? military exercises? Did a powerful storm disseminated the seal population? The last time such a massive seal die-off happened was 2011. The cause is still unexplained.

Over 2500 birds found dead on beach in Chile

dead bird chile, 2500 birds die chile, chile birds die-off

2500 sea birds have been found dead over more than 2km along a beach situated south of Nigue, in La Araucanía, Toltén. Although officials believe the birds died due to strong currents, I can’t imagine that so many have died during a single event. There is something more behind.

Tens of thousands of fish die in dam El Gigante, Ayala, Mexico

Thousands of fish were found dead in the waters of the dam called El Gigante in the municipality of Ayala, Mexico. Farmers and inhabitants of the region are alarmed and fear for their families. An unpleasant smell coming out of the dam was reported 2 months ago. Then a few days ago, thousands of fish emerged to the surface and have begun to decompose. Next big public health issue in Mexico?

Thousands of fish perish on the Brewster flats

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Atlantic saury perished on the Brewster flats last week. Strollers were startled to see beaches littered with the shiny blue-silvery fish, about 10-inches long with needle-like bills. Officials say they were probably chased onshore by larger fish. 🙂

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