There is so much snow in Kazakhstan right now that people have to build tunnels to get out of their homes


Kazakhstan has been lately hit so hard by a blizzard that parts of the country were brought to a standstill.

For example, in the city of Prirechnoe, East Kazakhstan region, some houses have been buried under so much snow that people have to build tunnels to get out of their homes.

Incredible, no? Some of the houses are literally buried in meters of snow… You only see their roofs at the surface!

snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
Some houses are completely covered by meters of snow in Kazakhstan
snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
The blizzard in Kazakhstan left an white apocalypse behind.
snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
Houses buried in meters of snow. emergency exits in Kazakhstan.
snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
No ways to get out of these walls… Execpt in tunnels.
snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
Residents are baffled. How is so much snow even possible in Kazakhstan?
snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
Look, they are walking on their roof!
snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
And this poor guy is trying to find a way to deliver at least two windows buried under snow.
snow blizzard Kazakhstan, snow blizzard Kazakhstan february 2017, snow covers houses in Kazakhstan, people build snow tunnels to get out of their homes in Kazakhstan, huge amount of snow Kazakhstan video and pictures
I’ve never seen so much snow accumulated in a plain a rea and during such a short time!

That’s another weather anomaly… And not one of the smallest! Get prepared!

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