Earthquake swarm continues in the Mammoth Lakes area: Hundreds of earthquakes hit the region in recent day


Hundreds of tiny earthquakes have hit the Mammoth Lakes area in California’s Eastern Sierra in recent days.

There were several dozen quakes in just the last 24 hours, the strongest being 2.3 magnitude. More quakes continued into Sunday.

Most of the quakes were less than magnitude 1.0 — and it’s likely that none were felt by residents.

Countless small faults crisscross an area known as the Long Valley Caldera, a roughly 20-mile-wide crater-like depression adjacent to Mammoth Mountain that was formed from ash and pumice deposits during a volcanic “super eruption” about 760,000 years ago.

earthquake swarm mammoth lakes july 2017, earthquake swarm mammoth lakes july 2017video, Hundreds of small earthquakes have hit Mammoth Lakes in California in recent days
Hundreds of small earthquakes have hit Mammoth Lakes in California in recent days. via USGS

Hopefully, scientists are right when saying : “Swarms are very common in Mammoth area and don’t impact SoCal risk.”

In 2014, a quake swarm in the region produced more than 900 small temblors in five days.

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