Ask Californians about the most pressing natural-disaster issue facing them. They will tell you it’s the so-called “Big One“, or, in other words, a long-anticipated San Andreas Fault earthquake that will sink the whole west coast into the sea. But while we wait for that scenario to occur, they seem to have forgotten that their closer threat is a surprisingly reliable California Superstorm, which occurs every 100-200 years. The last one struck in 1862. So, at most, Americans have 45 years to figure out something the Native Americans have known since forever: California is the biggest of the Great Lakes.
The California Superstorm happens every 100-200 years and drowns the whole state in a catastrophic flood. The last time this megaflood struck the Golden State was in 1862 when it rained for an excessively biblical 42 days and nights. The deluge not only drowned thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of cattle, but it temporarily forced California to move its capital from Sacramento to San Francisco and bankrupted the entire state. In some places, the tops of telegraph poles were submerged, and survivors were forced to travel by rowboat.
And the next one isn’t going to be any better. According to a simulation called “ARkStorm“, researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey project that a stretch of the Central Valley 300 miles long and 20 miles wide will be completely underwater.
One quarter of the houses in the entire state of California will suffer some kind of flood damage. “Cities up and down the coast of California would flood. Winds would howl 60 to 125 miles per hour, and landslides would make roads impassable.“
So, at most, Americans have 45 years to figure out something the Native Americans have known since forever: California is the biggest of the Great Lakes.
Another reason to raise taxes—the Arkstorm.
“. . . something the Native Americans have known since forever: California is the biggest of the Great Lakes.”
Ah, I don’t think so. That’s not even a good analogy. With a “lake” of only 300 miles long and 20 miles wide (and only 20 feet deep) that would make the California “Great Lake” puny in comparison to the volume of smallest of the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario. In comparison to Lake Superior that size “lake” barely qualifies as a pond.
Tell Houston it can’t happen
Look at the video collection of the “Two Preachers “on you tube as they document weekly floods. It is coming.
If that does happen it will be done on purpose with their geoengineering for their agenda 21 goals, just like the man made drought they have caused.
This is no more than fear mongering at its finest. It’s not that we’re on the cusp of a nuclear war, an economic collapse, and the take over by a police state mentality, we must put up with this crap.
Don’t you morons have anything better to do than write up BS like this to make it look like you are a serious academic studying history. YOU ARE PATETHIC !!!
About to happen? Nothing is about to happen… Sometime in the future there will be floods and droughts… there I am as big of forecaster as you are.
Oh stop already
In the pre gold rush era alot of the central valley was marsh land , they recalined the land and turned it into farm land! As far as Sacra mental,,, if it flooded the capitol that might be the best thing to happen to the state in a while!
yup, byebye moondust
[…] Nov 18, 2017 […]