These 49 giant sinkholes scattered over a 200-km area form the largest cluster of sinkholes in the world


There are at least 49 massive sinkholes scattered in a 200-km karst area in NW China’s Shaanxi. Such a high density of sinkholes is rarely seen, making this region one of the world’s largest cluster of sinkholes in the world. The following video by New China TV reports on the scientific expedition that was undertaken to understand these deep craters in the ground. And as incredible as it seems, some of the cavities represent lost worlds with their own ecoysytems, their own trees and their own animals:

Some of the giant holes in the ground are like deep caverns harboring their own endemic tree and animal species:

World biggest cluster of sinkholes wows geologists, World's biggest cluster of sinkholes wows geologists in China, World's biggest cluster of sinkholes wows geologists in China video
World’s biggest cluster of sinkholes wows geologists in China. via ChinaDaily

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  1. […] There are at least 49 massive sinkholes scattered in a 200-km karst area in NW China’s Shaanxi. Such a high density of sinkholes is rarely seen, making this region one of the world’s largest cluster of sinkholes in the world. The following video by New China TV reports on the scientific expedition that was undertaken to understand these deep craters in the ground. And as incredible as it seems, some of the cavities represent lost worlds with their own ecoysytems, their own trees and their own animals.  Read More… […]

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