Strange UFO-shaped cloud drifts over Moscow – No changes in shape – Unusual


A huge circular UFO cloud has been spotted above Moscow, Russia. The footage below shows the strange flying-saucer-shaped cloud appears near a tower block and continues to move over the building.

The event has sparked a debate on social media whether it was just a rare lenticular cloud or a UFO disguised as a cloud.

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Is this a proof that aliens exist?
ufo cloud moscow, ufo cloud moscow picture, ufo cloud moscow video, ufo cloud moscow august 2018
The most curious thing is that the cloud continues to keep its shape in motion, no changes! Really strange!

As usually, meteorologists quickly explained that the object is believed to have been an unusually-shaped lenticular cloud… A sky formation that is often mistaken for UFO!

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  1. This must be a beautiful cloudship (spaceship disguising a cloud). Galactic Federation of Light does not want to scare people to show the real shape of their spaceships. That is why they disguise as a cloud. But now is the time to let people on the Earth know space people and spaceships really exist, and they are here on this Earth. But unfortunately, most of people on the Earth are too busy to look up the sky. They rather stay at home and watch TV, and they really love the FAKE realities on TV. Believe or not, most of people do not know the existence of Chemtrails.

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