Strange Sounds has been banned from ad networks. The website now counts on you! Thanks in advance! Manuel
freedom trucker in Canada in January 2022. Picture via FacebookA national truck convoy is making its way through British Columbia, Alberta on Sunday, before heading toward Ottawa, to protest the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for truckers that cross the Canada-United States border.
The convoy is split into several routes. Part of the western route — which passes through Alberta — launched from Prince Rupert, B.C., Saturday morning and stopped overnight stop in Prince George, B.C. It left there Sunday morning, and is scheduled to arrive in Edmonton in the afternoon, then in Calgary Sunday night.
Trucker convoy near the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border making its way way to Ottawa to protest mandates next weekend.
? Amherst, Nova Scotia
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 23, 2022
A second contingent of the convoy launched from Vancouver Saturday morning. It is scheduled to join the other truckers in Calgary Sunday night.
Huge send off rally near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for truckers joining the freedom convoy to Ottawa to protest mandates.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 24, 2022
Some truckers from all other provinces will join the Freedom Convoy… Even from Quebec:

Canada Unity, an anti-public-health-mandate group, organized the truck convoy to Ottawa.
According to the group’s website, the convoy should arrive in the country’s capital by Jan. 29.
The trucker freedom convoy is greeted by supporters in Salmon Arm, BC, Canada as it makes it’s way to Ottawa to protest mandates.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 24, 2022
In November, the federal government announced new protocols for unvaccinated people travelling across the Canada-U.S. border. Part of that announcement included changes in the new year for groups of travellers who were exempt from entry requirements, such as truck drivers.
Protest today in support of the Convoy to Ottawa 2022 (Moncton NB) Huge turn out @premierbhiggs @Gov_NB @DominicCardy
— Emma (@Purplepanic13) January 23, 2022
As of Jan. 15, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated Canadian truck drivers, among others, entering the country must get a PCR test outside of Canada within 72 hours of planned entry; get tested when they arrive; and then self-test on Day 8 of a mandatory 14-day quarantine period.
Supporters of the freedom trucker convoy making its way to Ottawa for next weekend’s protest against mandates near Langley, BC, Canada.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 23, 2022
“It’s about the mandates, all of them. Masks, the passports, the shutting down our businesses,” said James Bauder, a supporter in Calgary.
We support #TruckersForFreedom Rise Up for Freedom and Democracy against growing Tyranny and Dictatorship. Support #Truckers Convoy heading to Ottawa, Canadians United from coast to coast stand on bridges or side of the road and wave in solidarity for their courageous efforts?
— Genetic Lunacy Project (@GeneticLunacy) January 21, 2022
Lee Parkinson, a supporter in Edmonton, said she used to be employed by the Government of Alberta, but was placed on unpaid leave because she refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine. She has been involved in Action4Canada, a group suing the B.C. provincial and federal governments over the implementation of public health measures.
Massive Canadian trucker convoy on its way to Ottawa against trucker vaccine mandate.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 22, 2022
She said she was hopeful the convoy could bring about some changes she hopes to see.
“They’re big and they’re noisy and they could probably draw a lot of attention,” she said.
More Than 50.000 Trucks-convoy to Ottawa. ????
— Miriam C (@MiriamCancelli2) January 24, 2022
$3 million through GoFundMe
Nearly $3 million has been raised for this convoy through a GoFundMe campaign, which says the money will be paid to the truckers so they can afford going to Ottawa.
Around 39,000 people have donated as of 9:30 p.m. Sunday. There are several dozen multi-thousand-dollar donations, including two for $10,000.
Truckers are travelling from every province converging in Ottawa. Patriots from all over Canada will be attending. Will stay there until this ends! Convoys are being organized to head to Ottawa. If you wish to join a convoy, details will be listed shortly. Expected date Jan 29.
— THE LINE CANADA (@thelinecanada) January 16, 2022
CTA denounces protest
The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), a national federation of provincial trucking associations, issued a statement Sunday, denouncing protests on highways, roads and bridges — while suggesting lawful protest on Parliament Hill.
“CTA believes such actions — especially those that interfere with public safety — are not how disagreements with government policies should be expressed,” the statement said.
Canadian truck convoy forming yesterday in Vancouver, BC, Canada before it makes it’s way to Ottawa to protest against mandates.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 23, 2022
The federation suggests members opt to hold organized protests on Parliament Hill, or contact their local MP, according to the statement.
The CTA says most people in the industry are vaccinated and that the vaccination rate among truck drivers is similar to that of the general public.
Go! Everybody on the streets! I am all with you, Canadians! Break your gov. down! [CBC]
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Strange Sounds has been banned from ad networks. The website now counts on you! Thanks in advance! Manuel
Some truckers in the Canadian protest convoy definitely have covid symptoms. Police officers need to stay away from them. Officers who come in contact with any suspected cases MUST immediately stop working and put themselves into isolation. Isn’t that correct? Is that not mandatory? After all, that is the example set by Mr Trudeau – isn’t it?
What was it? Oh yes, 2 weeks to stop the curve. Well it’s 2 years and counting now and both the US and Canadian Governments are showing just how Marxist they really are. Both countries populations have done the Anthony Fauci pretending the virus didn’t come from a lab perspective. Many people had no choice to go along with this fake vaccines. First they started with the nurses, doctors, etc. the ones who before vaccines came out were hero’s, but suddenly they had to get vaccinated after 18 months of taking care of COVID patients. Mysteriously, now they need to vaccinated? or lose your job. Then the police, and other important emergency personal. Now to show how out of touch our both governments are with real Americans and Canadians they now have issued our bread and butter truckers to also be vaccinated and once again our trucker hero’s are now a “Fringe part of Canada”. How out of touch can our Governments get? Sure, there’s millions of dolts that have been programmed to believe in the non-stop FEAR nonsense. As the successful Tony Robbins said, “FEAR” equals, FALSE EVIDENCE THAT APPEARS REAL. Truer words couldn’t be said that our two Governments are using to promote propaganda. Now the braindead political demagogues by picking on the truckers they have now unleashed the last straw that even the most naïve person can understand. No truckers, No food, empty shelves and a government that thinks they are the new Soviet Union. Good luck guys and girls and let’s win back our “Charter of Rights” and the “Bill of Rights” in the US. “Go Canada Truckers Go”!
The educated, sincere, and Historically Correct
“The Unbiased Canadian Perspective”
You KNOW the purge is coming, in fact it is almost here, so now is time to make a choice. If there are any here reading who know the Lord Jesus Christ- please go unto the people to proclaim His Gospel unto salvation…
From the book of Romans: 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10:10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 10:11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
(if you have not already done so): Turn your eyes to Jesus- repent of your disbelief of what He did on the Cross in dying for your sins. Confess Jesus as your Saviour. Then understand that after you are born again, NOTHING else in this crazy world matters….except telling others of Jesus.
to know more go to:
From the King James Bible; The Gospel according to John: 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Good to see another believer sounding the warning.
So few see this is God’s Judgment on a pagan world.
Go to sermon audio dot com and search “How God Destroys Nations”.
You want the 5 sermon series by pastor John Weaver.
the ‘one’ thing no one mentions about this govt. overreach if not stopped….what will they require next?? your first born?? mandatory racial marriages?? women wearing burkas? destruction of churches and confiscating our Bibles?? forced plant based fake meat?? shots every 6 months till we die??
All in the plan unfortunately. Bill Gates isn’t buying up all the farmland for nothing.
Some say Trudeau and Freeland are part of the globalist group,, There are photos of them sitting with Soros and Larry Fink of Blackrock,, Freeland dosent deny it and says we all be happy in 2030,, but you will own nothing.
Yes Truckers and all Canadians should be protesting.
Canadian Scientists invented zero carbon fuel for big trucks and jets and ships for 20 cents per liter.
Production machines use only air and water as inputs and people have been using the fuel for years with no negatives
Mr Trudeau praised GreenNH3 multiple times before becoming PM but after being PM will not reply
Investors are cautious and delay because they cant get replies from Mr Trudeau even though sky high ROI is probable
Some suspect those puppeting Mr Trudeau are invested in oil or other technology which benefits from status quo.
If you see a way to break this log jam please tell GreenNH3 through the website. We have too many orders to count waiting.
Please dont ask us to convert your truck as there are no GreenNH3 machines until we get reply and start production.
My husband read on one Canadian news site that this protest is all about “potholes”. POTHOLES!!! The Canadian press is and has been very much against Canada and Canadians. Down with all mandates, they don’t work and will never work, they’re just making people angry. And broke. And depressed. And separated from each other.
I also read ‘icy conditions’ on the road… LOL!
Never forget–all media is owned by Blackrock/Vanguard, the wealthiest organization in the world….let that sink in.
Blackrock is the entity going world wide buying houses over 30% appraisal to take over property ownership….a huge part of Agenda 21 that is now Agenda 30.
May God guide us and bless all these truckers and supporters.
The Roman Catholic Church is in all likelihood the wealthiest organization in the world…
So are they willing to keep the country shut down until the mandates are dismissed? If not this is just a big waste of time and diesel fuel. These trucks need to keep ALL the roads in this country blocked until this castro is overthrown. This maggot stole the recent **election** and needs to be arrested and hung. I hope this country is collapsed from this. Even making weed legal in this country was stupid. Everyone needs to support the strikes and REFUSE TO COMPLY with any of this covid bullshut. Enough already.
Pay attention… every video I watched…the message is ‘we are here until you sign the dotted line’… mandates and get the f**k out of our lives.
California needs to take notice of this movement…they are demanding all trucks get 1)retro-fitted with some foolishness that will cost about 10K for each truck. And 2)trucks need be less than 10 years old.
Correct my post if this is rumor.
True Blood
Port of Vancouver is doing that too. I’m sure this will not go over well when the longshoremen are turned away because their Harley is more than 10 years old.
Isn’t the CTA the same group that lobbied the federal government to put electronic logs in all the trucks to protect unions?
Isn’t this the same CTA that has ignored anything that helps the little guy? The only purpose I see to them is advertising, large salaries for themselves, and self righteous editorials in papers nobody reads. Of course they don’t want any real representation in Ottawa from drivers.
Of course they are lying their a$$es off about trucker vax rates. Driver vax rates are at around 50%. Because we tend not to be hypnotized with our daily allotment of cbc/ctv/global news propaganda and actually leave town and see that there was no mass pandemic. Virtually all the drivers I know who got the clot shot only got it because they wanted things to go back to normal, or as one friend told me his kids and grandkids got it and if they are going to die from the vax he doesn’t want to live either.
We see our vaxxed family and friends getting sicker and sicker from “coincidence” and in many cases have watched family and friends die within a week of getting the vax.
Have you seen the alberta numbers that they accidentally published showing that the supposed unvaxxed hospitalized are 53% vaxxed at least one dose in many cases 2or3? But since they are sick or dead within two weeks of getting the shot the government is pretending that they are ALL un vaxxed.
There has been many lies about the trucking industry this last while, but remember the shortages began last summer. We are in a systems collapse that the mandates and lockdowns while exacerbating are actually cover so that our betters can blame someone other than themselves.
Jokes on them, we will never forget who did what to us.
Prayer for our Canadian Truckers and all who are on the road,
My our Lord ride with you and go before you to guide you safely through traffic. My our government finally listen to the people and remove the fear mongering. May this demonstration be peaceful and lawful with all remaining safe.
In Jesus Name
Freedom for Canadian Peace Lovers!
Bear Hugs ?❤️???????????????
“The federation suggests members opt to hold organized protests on Parliament Hill, or contact their local MP”
Sure they do! That way you’re easier to ignore with maybe a pat on the head before shooing you out with a “We’ll keep that in mind” while they continue to do what they are doing. NO! Make them uncomfortable! Make it LOUD! Make it to where they cannot ignore you! God bless you truckers!!!
So glad to see our Canadian neighbors standing up and the truckers leading the way. All the truckers support along the way is great to see. These tyrants must not only be pushed back but removed on this will never end.
WHERE ARE USA TRUCKERS? THEY NEED TO BE DOING THE VERY SAME THING RIGHT NOW!!!!!! C’MON GUYS AND GALS. GET WITH THE PROGRAM. Do you want to continue to live like this? This isn’t living. This is not America.
We are all in this TOGETHER. Prayers are coming asap from every single person who has a religious bone in their body.