Shark Close Encounter: Basking Shark Almost Swallows a Swimmer in Cornwall (Video)

This is kind of terrfying although not very dangerous!


This is the amazing moment Lew Smart experienced a very close encounter with a huge 15ft basking shark while enjoying the sun at Cornwall’s remote Sennen Cove off the British coast.

basking shark Cornwall, This is the amazing moment Lew Smart experienced a very close encounter with a huge 15ft basking shark while enjoying the sun at Cornwall's remote Sennen Cove off the British coast., shark close encounter, shark video, shark close encounter video, basking shark video
This is the amazing moment Lew Smart experienced a very close encounter with a huge 15ft basking shark while enjoying the sun at Cornwall’s remote Sennen Cove off the British coast.

But as you know, basking shark poses no risk to humans and feeds by hoovering up plankton as it swims with its large open mouth.

I think I would have started screaming. What about you?

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