I forecast snow, wind and severe winter weather for this weekend… They even got white-out conditions in Utah! Some trail runners participating in an ultramarathon Saturday morning were rescued from the mountains in Davis County after a snowstorm hit the area.
At about 9:30 a.m., the Davis County Sheriff’s Office was notified about an “emergency situation” involving 87 runners. They faced extreme weather, including 12-18 inches of snow and almost white-out conditions.
The race was suspended, and the sheriff’s office’s search and rescue team responded on foot, ATVs and snowmobiles to help the runners get down the mountain safely.
Race organizers worked with the search and rescue volunteers to make sure all registered participants were accounted for, and the rescuers covered the entire course. All the runners were off the mountain by 2:45 p.m.
Farmington Canyon was closed to all non-emergency vehicles during the process.
The sheriff’s office said a few runners were treated for hypothermia at the scene and released, with one also sustaining a minor injury from a fall.
Officials later thanked those who stayed with the injured runner, who also had hypothermia, until search and rescue arrived.
“Although the runners did not know the individual in need, they knew extending support and compassion was critical,” the sheriff’s office wrote in a Facebook post. “The humanity showed by these individuals likely saved another person’s life today. For that, we are extremely grateful.”
As of about 4 p.m., the SAR volunteers were still “cautiously continuing their retreat off the mountain,” the sheriff’s office said.
“Venturing onto the mountains, trails, and bodies of water at this time of year can be dangerous because the weather changes rapidly and conditions can quickly become life threatening. Even a mild rain in the valley can translate to blizzard conditions at higher elevations,” Davis County Sheriff Kelly V. Sparks wrote in the press release.
“The rapid and collaborative response of our Search and Rescue volunteers, race organizers, and first responders from multiple agencies, resulted in minimal injuries and all runners returning home safely today. I extend my deep gratitude to everyone involved in this rescue effort.”
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Happens alot in Utah. Blizzards and white out conditions. The fact that other runners stopped, and helped the other with hypothermia is a good sign. There’s alot of good people that care about humanity. Of course, the lamestream media only show the demonic side of people, since birds of a feather flock together.
birds of all feather laughing at the city slickers with cold feet
cuz country folks’ feet don’t get cold.
DemonicWitch wants more social media censorship. Christ needs to fire some lightning bolts up her black hole.
SodmiteSuperManWell, perverting the youth is equal to harming children. Therefore, millstones are in order. Boycott all of the pervert media. I quit ages ago. Read —exercise your brain.
Exercise outside, do other activities.
Dark winter is coming and floods and Tornadoes massive quakes and lack of coal etc.. India , Lebanon and China hit darkness , I want ask China how can you effort to invade Taiwan, I say to China go fix your country invasion is not needed. Now with massive China in darkness and we will not get foods from China soon 99 cents stores will be 9.99? Now scientists have confirmed that natural immunity is more effective than vaxxed immunity, why can’t I have my freedoms back? https://www.rt.com/op-ed/536902-health-pass-covid-recovered-immunity/ Vaxx kills and wade off as well. No body died of COVID but lack of care and
radiations from 30 CT scans done in hospital stay?
Islam ruined life of Billions in planet?