Different shades of heaven: Daily unusual shades of the sky at sunrise and sunsets


These unusual shades of the sky at sunrise, sunsets, and during the day were captured by Eric Cahan during several weeks.

Can someone explain why the colors of Heaven change?

shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan
shades of heaven, Eric Cahan, colors of heaven
Eric Cahan

So can someone explain why the colors of Heaven change?

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1 Comment

  1. Personally I`ve noticed that in 2013 sky colours became more intense and living, now many sunrises and sunsets look like huge lava pool and sometimes clouds have blue-purple plasma colour, very saturated like it would be ionized gas. General sky seems to be more colorful too.

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