Apocalypse on Friday the 13th 2014: Devastating Hurricane In Sakhalin Region in Russia – June 13 2014 (VIDEOS)

I don't know if it is related to Friday the 13th, but the hurricane that swept through the Sakhalin Region in Russia yesterday was creepy!


Nature is sometimes really terrifying! As Friday the 13th’s (bad) luck would have it, a devastating hurricane hit the Sakhalin Region in Russia’s Far East, ripping off roofs, knocking down trees and power lines, cutting electricity for nearly 20,000 residents.

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Apocalyptic Weather in Russia: Devastating Hurricane In Sakhalin Region in Russia – June 13 2014. Photo: Youtube video

Repair works are now under way on more than 300 sites of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the administrative center of Sakhalin Region, which storm unexpectedly hit late afternoon on Friday.

The hurricane in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk toppled over 1, 500 trees (@ 55 and 1:55 to see trees falling down!)

The violent wind gusts of over 75mph (121kmh; hurricane like) destroyed houses and, as shown in this video, ripped tiles off roofs (@ 14 sec). WOW!

And on what did these roof fragments fall?… On cars of course… OMG!

I will only add terrifying! More here.

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