Surviving ISIS Massacre: The Incredible Story Of the Only Survivor of ISIS Iraqi Soldiers Massacre in June 2014


Surviving ISIS Massacre: This is the incredible story of Ali Hussein Kadhim.

This Iraqui military recruit survived the ISIS massacre of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers last June 2014. An almost improbable story.

Ali Hussein Kadhim, Surviving an ISIS Massacre, soldiers Surviving an ISIS Massacre, documentary Surviving an ISIS Massacre, Ali Hussein Kadhim survivessurvivor isis soldier massacre, Ali Hussein Kadhim is the one and only survivor of the ISIS Iraqui soldier massacre perpetrated in June 2014. Watch his story in the documentary below. Photo: Bryan Denton, isis, terror, massacre, documentary
Ali Hussein Kadhim is the one and only survivor of the ISIS Iraqui soldier massacre perpetrated in June 2014. Watch his story in the documentary below. Photo: Bryan Denton

Ali Hussein Kadhim, an Iraqi soldier and a Shiite, was captured with hundreds of other soldiers by Sunni militants in June and taken to the grounds of a palace complex in Tikrit. The militants, with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, separated the men by sect. The Sunnis were allowed to repent for their service to the government. The Shiites were marked for death, and lined up in groups. Mr. Kadhim was No. 4 in his line. As the firing squad shot the first man, blood spurted onto Mr. Kadhim’s face. But, amazingly, he survived. Watch the incredible history of Ali Hussein Kadhim below:

Surviving ISIS Massacre is really a strong and incredible lesson of life!

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