Like a gate to another dimension: Eerie sundogs baffle skywatchers in northern Russia


As if they were driving into another dimension.

Incredible pictures of eerie sundogs photographed throughout northern Russia today, April 13, 2017.

sundog, sundogs, sundog russia, sundog piture, gate to another dimension solar halo, solar halo april 2017
This solar halo looks like a gate to another dimension. location: Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai via Instagram

According to one of the photographers, this is already the 3rd intense ‘3 sun phenomenon’ in April 2017.

sundog, sundogs, sundog russia, sundog piture, gate to another dimension solar halo, solar halo april 2017
A ride to heaven? location: Taimyr, Krasnoyarsk Krai via
sundog, sundogs, sundog russia, sundog piture, gate to another dimension solar halo, solar halo april 2017
Never forget your camera while driving to wonderland. location: Taimyr, Krasnoyarsk Krai via
sundog, sundogs, sundog russia, sundog piture, gate to another dimension solar halo, solar halo april 2017
But how do sundogs actually appear in the sky? location: Taimyr, Krasnoyarsk Krai via
sundog, sundogs, sundog russia, sundog piture, gate to another dimension solar halo, solar halo april 2017
Chemtrail spraying or sun refraction in snow crystals? location: Taimyr, Krasnoyarsk Krai via
sundog, sundogs, sundog russia, sundog piture, gate to another dimension solar halo, solar halo april 2017
This solar halo is just too intense to be true. location: Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai via
sundog, sundogs, sundog russia, sundog piture, gate to another dimension solar halo, solar halo april 2017
Just another crazy sky phenomenon in the sky of Russia. location: Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai via

This is reall strange. Wha are they suddenly appearing at the beginning of springtime? Always have a smartphone or your dashcam on while driving! You may catch some incredible sky phenomena!

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  1. These are signs of the time of the return of JESUS CHRIST. The Bible says there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars (see Luke 21:25 and 2 Peter 3:10-13).

  2. It may be quite bold theory, but I think that the strange energy from space/higher density is somehow affecting structures of any materials and elements here, making ice crystals more prone to bend and reflect light just like that… Since end of 2012 I have observed many little sundogs and rainbows in clouds that never before occured in my area. Sundogs like this surely were old natural phenomena but… It seems to be increasing from some time significantly.

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